he Ahmanson Foundation has provided a transformative gift that is enabling Cal State LA to revitalize the State Playhouse and promote a robust learning environment for students in the performing arts.
The State Playhouse has enriched the cultural landscape of the communities served by the university. Each year more than 25,000 students and community residents enjoy art at the State Playhouse.

“This gift from The Ahmanson Foundation underscores the crucial role the arts play in our society,” says Cal State LA President William A. Covino. “We’re grateful to the foundation for its generous support of higher education and the arts.”
The Ahmanson Foundation has been a major supporter of Cal State LA and its mission to transform lives and foster thriving communities across greater Los Angeles.
The faculty of the university’s College of Arts and Letters, many of whom are nationally and internationally acclaimed artists, are committed to nurturing the next generation of actors, dancers, designers, musicians and scholars.

The State Playhouse has been the site of stellar performances, including David Mamet’s American Buffalo, with the award-winning Deaf West Theatre, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, The Cave Dwellers by William Saroyan, Jonathan Larson’s critically acclaimed Rent, Philip Glass’ Hydrogen Jukebox, Hot Nights: A Salsa & Mariachi Performance, and Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
The Ahmanson Foundation has been a major supporter of Cal State LA and its mission to transform lives and foster thriving communities across greater Los Angeles. The foundation has supported various University projects, including the Luckman Theatre, the Honors College, music programs, and the arts.
The Ahmanson Foundation serves Los Angeles County by funding cultural projects in the arts and humanities, education at all levels, health care, programs related to homelessness and underserved populations, as well as a wide range of human services.